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Looks Can Be Deceiving

Travellers, beware, a river ford is wreaking havoc in Millarville, and we aren’t talking about the truck

Drivers near Millarville are being warned about a risky road situation: a ford

A ford is a shallow section of river or stream where people can walk or drive across.

But the Three Point Creek River Ford near Millarville is a different beast. 

According to Ken Greenan, who owns Red Rescue Towing, Google Maps often directs drivers through the tricky ford, causing numerous accidents. 

Diamond Valley Fire Rescue on the scene following a crash involving an 18-year-old at the River Crossing Ford | Diamond Valley Fire Rescue | Facebook
Diamond Valley Fire Rescue on the scene following a crash involving an 18-year-old at the River Crossing Ford | Diamond Valley Fire Rescue | Facebook

“I do approximately three tows a day from down there…What’s going on is Google is actually giving people the quickest route, and that’s the way it’s taking them,” said Greenan.

Greenan emphasized that this route can lead to serious vehicle damage and even accidents because the tricky ford appears shallower than it is. 

The three vehicles Greenan tows daily from the area over the past three weeks have been mostly pickup trucks, some with severe damage. 

The Three Point Creek River Ford wrecks dozens of vehicles every year. 

Greenan mentioned an incident where a driver completely ruined his $190,000 show truck

But the ford isn’t dangerous just to cars. If drivers aren’t careful, the ford can be fatal. 

Recently, Diamond Valley Fire Rescue reported an 18-year-old driver suffering minor injuries after wrecking his vehicle at the crossing. 

“The kid last night was only 18. He was just a kid. He was lucky he didn’t die. His airbags went off; he destroyed his vehicle. Infiniti Lexus. Destroyed it,” said Greenan.

Greenan strongly advises drivers to avoid the crossing, especially in the coming weeks and during spring floods. 

No matter what kind of car you have or how well you know the area, Greenan strongly suggests all drivers to always stay away from the river crossing.

“The tow company loves the money, but I don’t like doing the work…You can only warn people so much,” he said.

Google Gets It Wrong

Greenan asks drivers to reconsider their route if directed by Google Maps onto gravel roads and avoid risky crossings to prevent accidents and vehicle damage.

If you are using Google Maps, research the route it gives you beforehand. Switching to satellite view is a great way to get a lay of the land. 

Consider taking a different route if your route goes through a river without a bridge or safe crossing. 

Sometimes, the quickest way to get somewhere is to go there slowly. 

A trashed bumper or wrecked car takes longer than using a different road.

The closer look at the crashed Infiniti Lexus | Red Rescue Towing | Facebook
The closer look at the crashed Infiniti Lexus | Red Rescue Towing | Facebook

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