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TheRockies.Life Staff

Can You Survive 24 Hours Without Your Phone? Join People Around the World Abstaining on March 1

Imagine a day when the only 'likes' you're counting are the smiles from friends and family. That’s what you may get on the Global Day of Unplugging

Picture this: It’s the first Friday of March, and instead of scrolling through your phone all day, you’re actually living in the moment—no pings, no notifications, just pure, unadulterated ‘real’ life. 

Sounds refreshing, doesn’t it?

In a world where the glow of screens is our constant companion, the Global Day of Unplugging encourages a digital detox, urging us to pause and reconnect with the world beyond our devices.

Do you remember how to do that?

Or the even bigger question. 

Can you put your device away for 24 hours?

The Start of Unplugging 

The inception of this tech-free, screen-free, no ping, no ding holiday dates back to 2009. It was birthed from a partnership between Reboot, a Jewish arts and culture nonprofit, and the Sabbath Manifesto

Inspired by the Jewish tradition of Shabbat, a day dedicated to rest and spiritual rejuvenation, the Global Day of Unplugging started officially as a National Day of Unplugging in the US in 2010. It quickly spread to other countries around the world.

Shabbat, traditionally observed from sunset on Friday to nightfall on Saturday, encourages people to abstain from all work activities. Instead, people are nudged to indulge in restful and reflective activities that, interestingly, also involve consuming bread and wine.

We like that last part.

In the spirit of Shabbat, the Global Day of Unplugging invites people to step away from their digital leashes and engage in meaningful, real-world experiences, especially involving community and friends and connecting with nature.

But Why Unplug? 

We all know how addictive our smartphones have become.

Some people have even called smartphones the new cigarettes of our time.

While our devices provide us with untold conveniences, they also have us tethered and disconnected from the physical world, which can take a toll on our mental and physical health. 

From the dopamine-driven loops of social media addiction to the physical ailments of prolonged screen time, research shows our tech addictions can lead to a myriad of issues, including stress, anxiety, and a disconnection from those around us.

No wonder unhappiness is on the rise.

The calming power of putting away the smartphone | TheRockies.Life Staff
The calming power of putting away the smartphone | TheRockies.Life Staff

In a modern twist of Timothy Leary’s ’60s manifesto, “Turn On, Tune In and Drop Out,” the modern version has us turning off our devices so we can tune in to ourselves and others and drop out of the digital noise.

The Global Day of Unplugging permits us to reconnect to our offline lives, break the cycle of digital dependency and give our scrolling thumbs a well-needed rest. 

Imagine swapping endless scrolling for a leisurely walk in the park with your dog, trading emojis for real-life laughter with friends, or replacing binge-watching with the simple pleasure of reading a book, or sharing wine by the fireplace. 

If you’re thinking, “But how do I start?” 

Fear not! 

Begin by marking your calendar and planning tech-free activities that bring you joy. 

Do not schedule events in Google Calendar – just saying!

On March 1, power down your devices and dive into a day of board games, nature walks, or actual conversations at a restaurant or coffee shop.

Do you remember when people used to talk to each other at restaurants?

Just don’t take any selfies to prove you’ve disconnected for the day!

Have a great device-free day.

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