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Mother grizzly and two cubs investigate a picnic table with food left out in Jasper National Park

Jasper’s Bear-y Scary Picnic Story

Local Jasper photographer captures the moments after a curious grizzly bears forced picnickers to flee

In Jasper National Park, a recent encounter with a family of grizzly bears has prompted Parks Canada to remind the public about the importance of bear safety when camping and picnicking.

On a Monday, July 24, visitors had just set up their meal on a picnic table at Lake Annette day use area when a mother grizzly and her two cubs approached the scene. Frightened, the picnickers abandoned the picnic table, tempting the curious bears to investigate.

Mother grizzly bear and cubs approaching a picnic table at Lake Annette day use area in Jasper National Park
Mother grizzly bear and cubs approaching a picnic table at Lake Annette day use area in Jasper National Park, July 24, 2023 – photo by Mike Gere |

Jasper photographer Mike Gere, who captured the incident on camera, described the incident, “With no time to secure their food, they abandoned it on the table. The bears rummaged around for a minute or so, but did not get a substantial food reward before carrying on.”

Mother grizzly bear and cubs eating tourists picnic lunch at Lake Annette day use area in Jasper National Park
The mother grizzly bear and cubs initial investigation of a picnic table at Lake Annette day use area – photo by Mike Gere |
Mother grizzly bear and cubs eating tourists picnic lunch at Lake Annette day use area in Jasper National Park
Finding very little food, the three bears move quickly move on – photo by Mike Gere |

As a precaution, Parks Canada has closed the Lake Annette day-use area to picnics while human-wildlife specialists work to track down the bears and potentially relocate them for public safety.

Parks Canada temporary area closure at Lake Annette day use area in Jasper National Park due to bears feeding on human food – July 2023 – photo by Mike Gere |

To avoid such situations in the future, Parks Canada is urging the public to be vigilant and follow bear safety guidelines when enjoying the great outdoors.

One crucial tip is to keep campsites clean and never leave food unattended. Bears are attracted not only to food but also to everyday items with scents, such as garbage, coolers, dishes, pet food, barbecues, and toiletries. Leaving these items unattended can draw bears to day-use areas and campgrounds, putting both people and wildlife at risk.

To ensure the safety of everyone in bear country, Parks Canada encourages timely reporting of any concerning bear behaviour. This helps park staff manage and address potential issues before they escalate. If you spot any problematic bear activity, report it to Parks Canada at 780-852-6155.

Remember these essential bear safety tips:

  1. Keep your campsite clean and never leave food unattended.
  2. Do not leave any scented items unattended, including food, garbage, coolers, dishes, pet food, barbecues, and toiletries.
  3. Report any concerning bear sightings promptly to Parks Canada at 780-852-6155.

By following these guidelines and being responsible stewards of the environment, visitors to Jasper National Park can ensure a safer and more enjoyable experience for themselves and the magnificent wildlife that calls the park home.

Thank you to Mike Gere of Jasper Photo Tours for sharing these amazing photos!

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