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Protests against the UCP in Calgary
Evelyn Tanaka

“Enough is Enough”: Why Albertans are Saying No to Premier Smith

This past weekend, Albertans of all ages showed up to protest government shenanigans

There has been a rash of protests lately in Alberta. 

Whether it’s about “Axe the Tax,” student protests about Gaza, or opposition to gender identity policies, it seems that Albertans are frustrated and angry.

This past weekend, a mishmash of Albertans, retirees worried about their pensions to young trans activists to CUPE Union members turned up in simultaneous protests across the province on Saturday to say “Enough is Enough” to the UCP government and Premier Danielle Smith. 

Throughout Saturday afternoon, protests and rallies occurred in Calgary, Edmonton, Lethbridge, Red Deer, Grande Prairie, Sylvan Lake, Vermillion, and Medicine Hat.

Other people that participated in the “Enough is Enough UCP!” protest were supporters of the “Tell Danielle” lawn sign campaign | Evelyn Tanaka

The protest organizers thought a demonstration was necessary because the Alberta government was not listening to the people. 

Deeply unpopular policies, such as coal mining in the Eastern Slopes, recalling municipal politicians, and privatizing public services such as healthcare and education, are being implemented without consultation or popular support.

About 500 people showed up for the protest in Calgary.  

Concerned citizens in Calgary took centre stage, including Dr. Joe Vipond, an ER doctor at Foothills Hospital; Nate Pike, host of the Breakdown podcast; Diana Batten, NDP MLA for Calgary-Acadia, and former Alberta Party candidates Jenny Yeremiy and Dr. Angela Grace, to speak about the impact of UCP policies on their community. 

A young trans activist was deeply critical of the government’s proposed legislation on banning puberty blockers for trans and non-binary youth. 

They said anti-LGBTQ policies have forced trans and non-binary youth to question whether they even belong in this province. Some in the community have started planning to leave for their own safety. 

Protest attendees vented their frustration with homemade signs, chanting “Danielle’s got to go” and singing along with the Raging Grannies

A common theme heard throughout the two-hour protest was: 

“We didn’t vote for this.” 

“This isn’t my Alberta.” 

Organizers say they will continue setting up future protests to inform the Alberta government that voters will hold them accountable for their actions. 

The next provincial election will be called in October 2027, five months later than the original date of May 2027. 

To learn more about the Enough is Enough UCP! visit their Facebook page.

A collage of protester's messages during the Calgary "Enough is Enough UCP!" campaign
A collage of protester’s messages during the Calgary “Enough is Enough UCP!” campaign | Evelyn Tanaka

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