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TheRockies.Life Staff

Cochrane Kids Nominate Ctrl+Salt+Delete and Plowy McPlowface

Cochrane's newest snowplow, Plowy McPlowface, isn't just a town celebrity; it's a symbol of community engagement and fun in the face of winter's challenges

It’s a cold winter morning in Cochrane, and you are running late for work. You still need to make lunch for your kids, and the coffee you made has already gone cold.

To make matters worse, a snowstorm blew through your neighbourhood overnight, and your street is buried in two feet of snow. 

The panic sets in as you realize you can’t afford to miss work. But just as you lose hope, you hear the distant vibrations of metal scraping against asphalt.

As you lift your head, you see Plowy McPlowface and his gang of snowplows and a street sweeper turn the corner.

Instantly, your street is clear, and you can start your morning commute into the city. 

Plowy McPlowface?

But just who is the mysterious Plowy McPlowface?

Plowy McPlowface is the name given to one of Cochrane’s newest snow plows after a naming contest

Seven schools participated in the contest, including Westbrook Elementary, RancheView, Glenbow Elementary, Ecole Notre Dame De Valle, Holy Spirit School, Cochrane Christian Academy, and Fireside. 

The school’s grade three students submitted about 50 creative names for the town’s latest snow-clearing fleet of four snowplows and one street sweeper. 

The names were shortlisted based on creativity, popularity, and how well the names capture Cochrane’s unique spirit.

An online community vote was held from November 6 to 27 to decide on the best names, and more than 1,000 residents voted.

Each school had at least one name make it to the final selection, but RancheView took the prize. 

RancheView submitted four out of the five winning names. 

The winning names and their respective schools are:

  • Plow Chica Plow Plow – RancheView (snowplow)
  • Ctrl + Salt + Delete – RancheView (snowplow)
  • Fleetwood Mac – RancheView (snowplow)
  • Sweeping Beauty – RancheView (street sweeper)
  • Plowy McPlowface – Glenbow/Westbrook (snowplow)

But the contest was about more than naming the town’s newest snow plows and street sweepers. The contest helped students learn about winter safety.

Cochrane road crew poses with one of their snow plows  Cochrane Eagle
Cochrane road crew poses with one of their snow plows | Cochrane Eagle

Safety First!

An infographic with tips to stay safe during the winter | Let’s Talk Cochrane

“The contest provided us with a unique opportunity to educate our community on our snow removal service levels and promote winter safety,” said Drew Hyndman, Executive Director of Development and Infrastructure Services, in a release. “Cochrane’s crews work tirelessly, often through the night, to help people get to where they need to go safely. This contest is the best of both worlds – fun and educational – taking a moment to celebrate while strengthening the connection between the community and essential services,” 

Cochrane’s contest included an infographic about ways to stay safe in the winter, such as walking like a penguin on icy surfaces and wearing bright colours for better visibility, plus a video to educate residents about the town’s snow plow services. 

For example, the video explained that the town’s snow plow services are prioritized and focus on emergency routes first. 

“Your engagement has not only enlivened our snow-clearing fleet but also reinforced the sense of community that makes Cochrane a special place to call home,” continued Hyndman.

The naming contest marks Cochrane’s seventh online community event since the launch of the Let’s Talk Cochrane website in May. 

The contest’s success demonstrates the town’s dedication to building open communication and engagement within the community.

While Plowy McPlowface and his gang are unique to Cochrane, hardworking snowplow operators exist across the province.

Thanks to the efforts of snowplow operators, we can get to work on time, and our children can get to school safely. 

Our winters may be harsh, but our snow plow operators are tougher.

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