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four red Christmas stockings hanging on a wooden wall

Big Hearts and Even Bigger Stockings

The Hearts and Hands Quilt Guild has quilted an impressive 139 stockings this year for Christmas

Masters of their craft, members of the Hearts and Hands Quilt Guild (HHQG) have been making quilts in Drayton Valley for 25 years. The guild meets on every third Wednesday of the month and hosts a sewing day every Wednesday morning.

The HHQG also dedicates one Saturday in January to making quilts for charity. On this day, the guild’s members bring any excess fabric they have and create quilts that are donated to those in need.

Unfortunately, the guilds numbers have dropped from 40 members to just 25 following the pandemic. Some members have also moved away and can’t contribute as often.

Although their numbers are down, the guild’s members make up for it with their larger-than-life hearts.

This year, the HHQG decided to get involved with the Stocking for Seniors program founded by Jenn Myslicki.

In previous years, Stockings for Seniors had students from nearby schools bring stockings and perform for the community’s seniors. But because of the pandemic, the program was restricted to donating stockings.

Thelma Cartwright, Cristel Dusterhoft, and Ann Menning at last years Stockings for Seniors event
Thelma Cartwright, Cristel Dusterhoft, and Ann Menning at last years Stockings for Seniors event | The Drayton Valley Western Review Facebook Page

At the last Stocking for Seniors event, elementary school students visited the Seasons retirement home and Shangri La Lodge. The students handed out a total of 212 stockings filled with lip chap, cookies, and puzzles. The students also sang Christmas songs for the residents!

Eager to help, the HHQG put together more than 139 stockings for the Stockings for Senior program. The guild’s contribution will go a long way in making sure the community’s 375 seniors receive a stocking this year.

These stockings will be filled with items that hospitals and senior facilities don’t supply. This includes shampoo, nail clippers, deodorant, and other smaller items.

The HHQG also hosts a Quilt Show and raffle every other year. The guild’s 2021 Quilt Show was held virtually and featured all sorts of quilts ranging from kids quilts to full sized quilts for beds.

Unfortunately, due to the guild’s reduced members, it will be unable to host the show this year.

The raffle is still a go, though! This year’s raffle will give away three different quilts to lucky winners. These quilts will be on display at Material Matters and Stitches & Dreams.

Through events like the raffle, the guild is able to make donations to charities in Drayton Valley.

Last year, the HHQG donated a sizeable $836 to two different charities. This year, the guild plans to donate the money they raise to STARS, the Drayton Valley Food Bank, and Warming Hearts.

If you are in Drayton Valley or are nearby, the HHQG is always looking for new members. The only entry requirement is that you have your own sewing machine and a lot of heart.

To get in touch with the HHQG, the guild’s president Darlene Vowk can be contacted at 780-542-1359.

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